New Rental Rates - Effective Immediately

Saturday, September 05, 2015 8:47 PM | Anonymous

Effective September 3, 2015, the new rate for Member Rentals will be $125.  This rate does not include the use of the small hall.  An additional $50 will be charged if you wish to use the small hall.  (Non-Member rentals will be $600 for use of the large hall only)


The reason for this increase is to offset the cost of not having a rental each month.  We have blocked off one weekend each month so that Members and their families can use the clubhouse (pool, large and small hall, games, etc.).  Please check our calendar for upcoming "Clubhouse open for members" dates.


Our rates have not increased over the years, and we want to continue to provide Members with a low-cost rental as well as a place to make family and community memories.  We hope you enjoy all the new additions and amenities to the clubhouse and make it a place that we all take care of.

Clubhouse Rentals by email only please:


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