LGCA Annual Meeting & Board Elections

  • Sunday, January 07, 2024
  • 2:00 PM

Join us for the Annual Meeting and Board Elections at the Clubhouse, on Sunday, January 7, 2024, at 2PM.  We will have updates on the Association, entertainment and light refreshments. 

If you would like to run for a Board Position, we welcome you.  You can reach out to the current President (Ray) for more information. 

See you soon!


1.    Executive Officers – To Be Elected at the Annual Meeting & Elections                    

  1. President Presides at all meetings, has general supervision, direction, and control of the business & officers of the corporation. Creates committees to work on special projects as needed. Authorized signer on the bank account. Has admin access to the MySonitrol access card system.
  1. Vice President: Shall perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of the president. In charge of the Nominating Committee every December for the Annual Elections in January. Works with Ways & Means to run the Fireworks Booth.
  1. Secretary: Keeps and archives the meeting minutes, making corrections or amendments as required. Keeps track of motions that have passed at each board meeting. Writes authorization letter to the bank to add/change signers on the bank account.  Authorized signer on the bank account.
  1. Treasurer: Keeps and maintains accurate accounts of the business transactions of the corporation, makes bank deposits, and disburses funds of the corporation. Creates the annual budget, ensures that all taxes and insurance payments are made on a timely basis. Responsible for instituting the internal controls for the organization. Authorized signer on the bank account & authorized to be issued a bank debit card. Responsible for filing the Statement of Information with the California Secretary of State in a timely manner. Has admin access to the LGCA website & MySonitrol system.

2.    Board Members                                                                                                 

  1. Clubhouse Rentals: Responsible for renting the clubhouse, collecting rental payment & security deposits, and inspecting the clubhouse after the rental (to return security deposit.) Coordinates with Membership Records to ensure that members who rent are current. Creates monthly rental income reports to report to the board at monthly meetings. Responsible for putting up marquee sign changes when it is rented. Responsible for letting the Treasurer know if the entire Rental Security Deposit can be returned to the renter, or if deductions need to be made for infractions.  Communicates calendar to the Website Chair.
  1. Ways & Means: In charge of fundraising to meet the association’s annual budgetary needs, such as dinners, raffles, 50/50 drawings, and silent auctions that may take place at special events throughout the year. Oversees the Fireworks Booth. Monthly board report includes P & L report of each event.  Looks for future fundraising ideas.  Coordinates with Events Chair and others.
  1. Membership Records: Keeps track of membership dues paid and invoices members when their dues are due. Issues access cards (on MySonitrol), Membership Packets, and lawn signs to new members. Uses the LGCA website to approve online membership payments received. Coordinates with Clubhouse Rentals Chairperson. Coordinates with the Treasurer to ascertain whether or not an online payment was received from a member. Has admin access to the LGCA website & MySonitrol system.
  1. Membership Promotion: Introduces prospective new members to the LGCA and answers any questions about the association. Creates welcome letter to new residents, and welcomes them to the neighborhood. Coordinates with Membership Records to follow up on whether or not a resident submitted an application and paid their dues. May update the membership application as needed. Has admin access to the LGCA Website.
  1. Bulletin Editor: Writes & prepares the Bulletin for distribution to the residents of Lakewood Gardens, keeps members and prospective members up to date on meetings and events. Coordinates with Bulletin printer and distributor.
  2. Webmaster/Social Media: Oversees the updating of the website and maintains the calendar of events, including LGCA events and clubhouse rentals, rule changes, and board contact info. Coordinates with all Board Members to post any special event dates and/or information. Posts updates, events, and other local information to Facebook and other social media platforms.
  1. Entertainment: Plans and runs events at the clubhouse throughout the year (fundraising dinners*, Easter Egg Hunt, Ice Cream social, Halloween costume parade/party, Christmas/Project Shepard event, etc.) Also in charge of Member events such as Movie Night, game nights, etc. Has admin access to the LGCA Website. *The Ways & Means Chairperson will be in charge of promoting the event & ticket sales, while the Entertainment Chairperson executes the event.
  1. Clubhouse Maintenance: Responsible for keeping the clubhouse facilities clean. Restocks the facilities (bathrooms, paper towels, garbage can liners, cleaning solutions) for the renters. Cleans the clubhouse before rentals, and serves as the Cleaning Crew when a renter pays for this service. May also coordinate with the Clubhouse Rental Chairperson to do the after-rental walk-thru with the renter for the return of the security deposit and collection of clubhouse key. Responsible for placing order/receiving supplies (toilet paper, paper towels, etc.) for the clubhouse as needed. Coordinate with Pest Control company and other service/maintenance/repair technicians as needed.
  1. Clubhouse Repairs: Responsible to keep the clubhouse facility in working order. Includes minor painting and repair (example: replacing broken fixtures/chairs/tables, plumbing, etc.) as needed. Works with Clubhouse Maintenance chairperson as needed.
  1. Pool Chairperson: Oversees the hiring of summer lifeguards & their work schedule (if lifeguards will be hired this year.) Coordinates with lifeguards to ensure that all pool rules are followed. Liaison with professional pool maintenance company. Maintains the appearance, cleanliness and safety of the pool deck area, including the placement of patio furniture& umbrellas, trash cans, chairs, plants, etc. This includes sweeping the pool deck, empty garbage cans & replace liners, watering plants (if any), rolling down umbrellas, and check the pool deck during windy and/or rainy weather to ensure that nothing has fallen into the pool.
  1. I.T./Security Chairperson: Oversees the computer system & peripherals, security & video surveillance system, and overall security of the clubhouse facility. Has admin access to the MySonitrol system for access control cards. Responsible for replacing locks and getting keys made as needed. Keeps a log of who has keys to the facility. Responsible for changing passwords, keys, combos, and collecting keys etc. at the beginning of a new election year.

Clubhouse Rentals by email only please: Rentals4LGCA@gmail.com

Email: DuesLGCA@gmail.com

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